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New Year, New Goal

    2015 was a crazy year full of ups and downs. It's ending on a down, but no worries; that means we can only go up! We pulled ...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mom Book #3 The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness

By Sy Montgomery

Before I read this book, I had no idea what it was going to be about. I thought it seemed like a metaphor. Anyway, I fell in love with this book. It made me fall in love with the ocean and it's wonders all over. I laughed and cried. I had forgotten how much I loved to learn, discover and be made to think. things, such as an Octopus, are made out to be  a monster, deadly, and just dangerous. What if it wasn't true? What if they just wanted interaction, were curious, wanted to play? Their lifespans are so short, but some can grow to be larger than a car. Yet, they can be gentle. Caring for their fragile, tiny eggs. This book was one of the best books I have read in a very long time. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mom Book #2 The Body Book

The Body Book
By Cameron Diaz

     So, I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I know health is important. You know, eating right and exercising. Cameron broke it down more than that, and in a way that was easy to read, understand and not over powering. Did the book make me want to get up and exercise? No, one night I ate ice cream while reading. I can say I have started upping my water intake again. which is good. Trying to be more active. My big motivation is my girls, if they see me eat better, move more, work on the over all health of my body; they will pick it up too. It's hard to change habits, but slowly and surely I will.
     Cameron wrote this book to help educate women about their bodies, not just not to eat tons of sugar, but why not to. She talked about the cells in our body. How our body works. How we as humans have changed. We need to move, we need to eat better, we need to know why. Some parts seemed long so I plan on rereading it again at some point.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Review: The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party

The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party by Shannon Hale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My daughter loves this series. Can't wait for book #3.

View all my reviews

Review: The Disney Fairies Story Collection: 3 Early Readers

The Disney Fairies Story Collection: 3 Early Readers The Disney Fairies Story Collection: 3 Early Readers by Walt Disney Company
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My daughter loved this book. She is working on her own review.

View all my reviews

Mom Book #1 Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister

            Okay, this was my first book on my challenge, “a book based on a fairytale”.  Everyone loves Cinderella, so I went with this one. Before reading I thought what it could be about, will it have a huge twist to the classic story? Will it be the same as the Disney cartoon, but from the snooty stepsister? I like to guess before I read. Well, I was wrong. Before I get to far into my review, I have to say it is a safe read. A young girl from a 5th-6th grade reading level and up.
            On to the book. I was defiantly surprised with the start. Liked the intro with young kids retelling the Cinderella story, which irritated the stepsister. Children grow up hearing stories, over and over. Being retold as they are pasted down. Slowly changing, small details change, some get over exaggerated, and they turn into legends, myths, and my favorite, fairytales!
            This is a story about grief, losing family. About growing up in a time that status, wealth, food, and even generosity are not easy to come by. Rising up the social ladder doesn’t happen. It’s worse for a widowed wife with to young daughters. To do what you must, keep your chin held high and protect them. Protect them from others, from starving, maybe even yourself. Then by fate, or fate you make on your own, a glimmer of hope. Married, two daughters and now a stepdaughter as well. A shy, quiet, stubborn but beyond beautiful stepdaughter. Things seem amazing. The girls get along about as well as sisters do. A family bond is formed, not an overly loving family, but a family. Happily ever after’s really are only in the eyes of others. Never what they seem, they are ALWAYS more than one side of a story.
            The book ends happily enough. But makes you wonder, who was looking out for whom? What happened behind closed doors? Were they all happy in the end? What is true happiness? You will question ever other fairytale, myth and legend. What if another character in a story got to write it from their side, their view and take on events?
            I really enjoyed this book. Been a long time since I have started and finished a book. I picked a great on to kick off 2016!

New Year, New Goal

    2015 was a crazy year full of ups and downs. It's ending on a down, but no worries; that means we can only go up! We pulled our older two daughters out of public school this year. Long story, but they were falling behind. Anyways, trying to find ways for them to SEE learning. You know, follow by example. I came across a reading challenge. Thought to myself, I can to that. More I read, the girls will see me read, and maybe they will want to read more, too?!? (Fingers crossed) So, my older two girls and I have set up a goal for ourselves. I plan to read 40, plus books I read to them myself. My oldest, Lets refer to her as Whimsy, She has picked 30. (Super proud of her goal) While my middle child, lets refer to her as Thor, (her favorite Avenger); she picked a goal of 20. Hoping we pass that goal. Then my youngest, well, most of the family and our friends call her Demon. (I know, I know, but we all love her, and we are just honest.) Demon is too young to read, so we are working on letters and sounds with her. My goal is to read more with her as well. 

     Here we go!